The 640 MEG Shareware Studio 1
The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume I (Data Express)(1992).ISO
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File List
224 lines
4TTFONTS.ZIP 87,065 12-26-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
8514SUBS.ZIP 55,207 09-29-91 Replacements for system font in Windows 3
AACHEN_B.ZIP 20,259 04-11-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
AACHEN_L.ZIP 18,548 04-11-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
AARCOV_N.ZIP 23,488 04-11-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
AARDVARK.ZIP 26,606 04-14-91 ATM font: Aardvark
ACTIVA_N.ZIP 39,391 05-03-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
ADINEK_S.ZIP 33,012 05-26-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
ADJUTA_N.ZIP 26,523 04-11-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
AFONT35.ZIP 100,623 07-05-91 Font Manager/Utility
AGATE_N.ZIP 29,350 05-26-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
ALBATROS.ZIP 73,485 03-17-91 ATM font
ALBATR_N.ZIP 43,346 05-26-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
AMELIA_N.ZIP 20,590 05-03-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
AMERIC_L.ZIP 35,646 04-17-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
APFNTINI.ZIP 23,009 10-30-91 Ami Pro 2.0 Adjunct: corrects screen fonts
ARABIAN.ZIP 33,086 01-30-91 ATM font for Windows
ARCHI.ZIP 27,659 11-29-90 ATM Font file
ARCTXT.ZIP 33,550 07-19-91 ATM Font file
ARNOLD.ZIP 37,960 01-24-91 ATM font for Windows 3.x
ASCIFNT2.ZIP 54,821 12-18-90 Create Large Multiple Font ASCII Screens
ATM_ADKS.ZIP 26,986 09-22-91 ATM font for Windows
ATM_KOSH.ZIP 20,577 09-28-91 ATM font for Windows
ATM_SCRP.ZIP 40,866 02-02-91 Script Italic font for ATM
ATM_WF.ZIP 1,874 06-23-91 Include font weights in WFNBOSS conv to ATM
BEDROCK.ZIP 18,380 04-03-91 ATM font for Windows The name tells it all
BLACKCHA.ZIP 41,293 01-25-91 ATM Black Chancellor font for WIN 3.0
BLADDER2.ZIP 40,082 09-20-91 ATM Font Black Adder II
BODAC.ZIP 41,316 04-20-91 ATM Font BODACIOUS
BOECKLIN.ZIP 50,672 01-06-91 PS-AdobeFont-1.0: A. Boecklin ExtraBold TM
BRUSHSCR.ZIP 28,747 01-24-91 Postscript Font for ATM Windows 3.0
CARAWAYB.ZIP 21,543 06-18-91 WIN3 ATM font Caraway Bold
CARTA.ZIP 27,806 01-24-91 Postscript Font for ATM Windows 3.0
CARTWRIT.ZIP 20,828 06-14-91 WIN3 ATM font CartWright
CASCADE.ZIP 32,274 01-25-91 CASCADE Type 1 font for use with ATM.
CASLON.ZIP 53,911 01-24-91 Postscript Font for ATM Windows 3.0
CD_FONTS.ZIP 1,276 02-21-91 List all fonts for Corel Draw
CHILIPEP.ZIP 50,543 05-05-91 Chili Pepper ATM font for Windows 3.0
CLOISTER.ZIP 37,258 01-25-91 CLOISTER Type one font.
CORONET.ZIP 30,980 01-05-91 PS-AdobeFont-1.0: Coronet-SemiBold-Italic
CRILLE.ZIP 42,255 06-14-91 WIN3 ATM1 font Crillee.
CRILLEE.ZIP 38,953 12-01-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
CSDBLOCK.ZIP 24,358 06-08-91 WIN3 ATM1 font Creative Software Designs
CVFONTA.ZIP 27,556 12-30-91 VGA repl fonts for full-scr, char mode OS/2
CYRILTT.ZIP 156,484 07-21-92 TrueType Font, Russian alphabet (Cyrillic)
DAUPHIN.ZIP 31,331 04-13-92 TrueType font Dauphin
DAVYSR.ZIP 78,771 06-03-91 Win3/ATM Font:Very elegant, very decorative
DFE104.ZIP 163,304 08-28-91 Create/Edit Custom Screen Display Fonts
DOMCASUL.ZIP 26,929 01-24-91 Postscript Font for ATM Windows 3.0
DOSFONTS.ZIP 11,575 08-13-91 Courier fonts v1.1 for Dos apps in MS-Win 3.0
DURANGO.ZIP 30,187 06-07-91 Durango ATM font for Windows 3.0 All caps
ENGRAVRL.ZIP 29,286 01-05-91 Engravrl font for Windows
ERAS.ZIP 181,531 01-06-91 AdobeFont-1.0: Eras-Medium-Medium AdobeFont
FETTEFRK.ZIP 32,713 01-24-91 Postscript Font for ATM Windows 3.0
FLEURO.ZIP 46,777 07-18-91 Adobe ATM Font For Windows 3.0.
FNTMGR.ZIP 81,557 07-24-91 FontManager for Windows 3
FNTMGR11.ZIP 99,020 07-14-91 Visual Basic Font Manager 1.1
FNTS31.ZIP 103,049 09-04-91 FontShow for Windows 3
FNTSH42A.ZIP 135,636 09-28-91 Font Catalog/Inventory/Samples, ATM Analysis
FONTER.ZIP 56,031 07-16-92 OsoSoft's Fonter 5.0 Windows Font utility.
FONTER15.ZIP 13,900 07-10-91 Win 3.0 Visual Basic Font Cataloguer V 1.5.
FONTLD15.ZIP 76,927 01-22-91 Laser Jet Font Loader
FONTM.ZIP 70,903 09-03-91 Well done screen font-maker for EGA/VGA.
FONTR4.ZIP 30,924 09-14-91 Fonter 4.0! the best Win3 font viewer/printer
FONT_M.ZIP 74,385 09-03-91 Fantastic Screen Font Creator, Very Nice!
FRACFO.ZIP 51,610 06-09-91 Fraction fonts for Win3 Adobe Type Mgr needed
FRANKTIM.ZIP 32,599 06-16-91 WIN3 ATM1 font FrankTimes
FRQUAD.ZIP 68,335 01-05-91 PS-AdobeFont-1.0: FrizQuadrata-Thin PS
GARMNDMI.ZIP 44,729 01-06-91 PS-AdobeFont-1.0: Garamond-Medium-Italic
GARRETT.ZIP 57,908 03-17-91 ATM Font
HEBREW1.ZIP 17,591 01-02-92 Adobe Type Font for WIndows 3.0
HEIDEL.ZIP 36,668 03-03-91 MS Windows Adobe Type Manager font
HOTSHOT.ZIP 14,518 01-27-91 Font for ATM/Win3.
HQ_1.ZIP 19,049 04-14-91 Use different screen fonts EGA/VGA
IFONT_D0.ZIP 1,468 10-07-91 HP Intellifont-for-Windows 3.0
IFW101_D.ZIP 2,260 12-01-91 HP Intellifont-for-Win 3.0; Installation docs
LEMIESZ.ZIP 26,878 06-03-91 WIN# ATM1 font Lemiesz
LIBBYSCR.ZIP 23,666 06-18-91 WIN3 ATM1 font Libby Script
LINOSCRP.ZIP 29,959 01-24-91 Postscript Font for ATM Windows 3.0
LINOTEXT.ZIP 36,947 01-24-91 Postscript Font for ATM Windows 3.0
LJFONTU.ZIP 267,967 03-22-91 LaserJet Softfont Package
LOADFONT.ZIP 145,720 04-30-91 A font loading program and fonts for the HP
LOGGE.ZIP 49,948 07-17-91 Adobe ATM Font For Windows 3.0.
LOOPDELO.ZIP 20,534 06-18-91 WIN3 ATM1 font Loop de Loop
MACHUMAN.ZIP 126,166 08-20-91 Achumaine font for Adobe TM/Win3.
MAIDSSCR.ZIP 22,737 06-18-91 WIN3 ATM1 font Maidstone Script
MAZAMA.ZIP 20,755 06-07-91 Win 3 ATM Mazama font. Based on M.G.B. Patric
MIAMIB.ZIP 28,188 04-08-91 ATM font Miami for Win 3.0
MISTRAL.ZIP 44,103 01-24-91 Postscript Font for ATM Windows 3.0
MPRINT12.ZIP 10,553 11-05-91 MPrint 1.2. Font selector: Panasonic printers
NEWFONT.ZIP 53,300 07-24-91 Borland BGI font editor\Creation utility
OLD_TOWN.ZIP 34,263 02-04-91 ATM Font for Windows 3.0
OSWALD.ZIP 32,839 09-02-91 Decorative Serif PS Type 1 font
PA400.ZIP 94,281 02-09-92 Printers Assistant is a Win ATM font inv util
PARISIAN.ZIP 25,254 01-24-91 Postscript Font for ATM Windows 3.0
PCMIRE.ZIP 17,803 06-18-91 WIN3 ATM1 font PC Mira
PCORNAM.ZIP 38,033 06-18-91 WIN3 ATM1 font PC Ornaments
PCROUND.ZIP 24,953 06-18-91 WIN3 ATM1 font PC Rounders
PEIGNOT.ZIP 22,872 01-26-91 Postscript Font for ATM Windows 3.0
PIXEL.ZIP 98,820 01-25-91 Pixel a font for Windows
PIXFON.ZIP 20,987 05-12-91 Pixie ATM Font
PIXIE.ZIP 22,202 04-29-91 Font for Windows 3.0 ATM Type Manager
POLOSM.ZIP 20,102 05-12-91 Polo Script ATM font for Windows.
POLSEM.ZIP 21,541 04-29-91 Font for Windows 3.0 ATM Type Manager
POSTANTI.ZIP 26,399 01-24-91 Postscript Font for ATM Windows 3.0
PRVW12.ZIP 32,301 07-11-91 Windows 3.0 Font viewer.
PRVW13.ZIP 42,962 07-30-91 Windows 3.0 Shows samples for all fonts
RANSOMNT.ZIP 47,224 06-18-91 WIN3 ATM1 font Ransom Note
REFONT.ZIP 26,049 02-28-91 REFONT V1.0 Postscript type 1 font utility
RHYOLVER.ZIP 7,604 06-07-91 Win 3.0 ATM Rhyolite Vertical font
RICMUR.ZIP 20,857 04-29-91 Font for Windows 3.0 ATM
RIVER.ZIP 16,057 04-29-91 Font for Windows 3.0 ATM
RNDUP.ZIP 56,926 09-13-91 Ventura style sheet editor. Change fonts etc.
ROTHMAN.ZIP 10,590 06-18-91 WIN3 ATM1 font Rothman Files
RUDEL.ZIP 21,017 05-12-91 Rudel ATM Font
RUDELS.ZIP 22,037 04-29-91 Font for Windows 3.0 ATM Type Manager
SHELLYAL.ZIP 55,787 02-04-91 Shelly Allegro Script ATM Font
SHELLYAN.ZIP 50,993 02-04-91 Shelly Andante Script ATM Font
SHELLYVO.ZIP 55,612 02-04-91 Shelly Volante Script ATM Font
SHOWBO.ZIP 46,185 07-17-91 Adobe ATM Font
SLOGAN.ZIP 42,702 04-16-91 Adobe Type 1 Font for Windows 3.0
STARB.ZIP 41,334 05-13-91 Starburst ATM Font
SYDNEY.ZIP 10,808 06-18-91 Sydney ATM font
TEACHER.ZIP 29,042 10-27-91 ATM Font for Windows Child's Handwriting
TEMPOMF.ZIP 178,336 05-21-91 10,40,50,90 Tiempo style font from More Font
TIEMPOIT.ZIP 29,260 05-20-91 40 pt Tiempo italic landscape from More Font
TRIBE.ZIP 22,449 07-17-91 Adobe ATM Font For Windows 3.0.
TRIBECA.ZIP 42,701 03-17-91 ATM Font
TRUTYP_A.ZIP 668,625 08-14-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBALLET.ZIP 32,821 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBAUHAB.ZIP 16,997 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBAUHAL.ZIP 20,534 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBAUHAT.ZIP 17,930 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBAUHAU.ZIP 16,775 05-13-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBECKER.ZIP 28,406 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBELLBO.ZIP 23,929 05-12-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBENGUB.ZIP 25,953 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBENGUL.ZIP 25,432 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBLACKF.ZIP 21,078 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBLADDR.ZIP 16,154 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBLIPPH.ZIP 26,378 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBLKCHA.ZIP 26,753 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBODACI.ZIP 41,877 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBODIDB.ZIP 32,298 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBODONB.ZIP 36,738 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBODONN.ZIP 37,474 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBOLDFI.ZIP 29,803 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTBRSHSI.ZIP 55,093 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTCALIGU.ZIP 34,825 12-01-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTCAMBER.ZIP 19,573 12-01-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTCARAWB.ZIP 22,075 12-01-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTCARICK.ZIP 54,464 12-01-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTCARTAN.ZIP 28,246 12-01-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTCARTWR.ZIP 18,430 12-01-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTCASCAD.ZIP 26,414 12-01-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTCASLOL.ZIP 25,466 12-01-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTCASLOO.ZIP 42,004 12-01-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTCENTUO.ZIP 23,668 12-01-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTCENTUR.ZIP 26,735 12-01-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTCHANCE.ZIP 23,023 05-12-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTCHARLI.ZIP 16,192 12-01-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTCHILIP.ZIP 29,321 12-01-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTCHITWN.ZIP 18,019 12-01-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTCIVITY.ZIP 36,821 12-01-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTERAS_B.ZIP 25,452 05-11-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTERAS_L.ZIP 25,788 05-11-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTERAS_M.ZIP 25,140 05-11-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTEUROST.ZIP 29,684 12-02-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFINFO.ZIP 11,388 06-22-92 TrueType font info for Win 3.1
TTFONTA1.ZIP 343,273 03-02-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTB1.ZIP 562,669 04-02-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTB2.ZIP 217,948 02-11-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTC1.ZIP 620,722 02-28-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTC2.ZIP 596,460 02-28-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTD1.ZIP 297,194 04-02-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTE1.ZIP 459,261 04-02-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTF1.ZIP 59,329 04-02-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTG1.ZIP 293,979 03-30-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTH1.ZIP 32,989 03-30-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTI1.ZIP 149,409 03-30-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTM1.ZIP 20,041 03-30-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTN1.ZIP 48,611 03-30-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTP1.ZIP 75,641 03-30-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTR1.ZIP 82,277 03-30-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTS1.ZIP 253,934 04-13-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTS2.ZIP 313,169 08-27-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTS3.ZIP 373,792 08-19-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTS4.ZIP 559,083 08-27-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTT1.ZIP 249,778 03-30-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFONTU1.ZIP 50,374 03-30-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTFUTURA.ZIP 18,669 05-11-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL01.ZIP 150,261 11-28-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL02.ZIP 282,185 11-29-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL03.ZIP 264,906 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL04.ZIP 198,475 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL05.ZIP 204,092 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL06.ZIP 287,019 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL07.ZIP 210,413 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL08.ZIP 185,301 11-30-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL09.ZIP 184,524 12-02-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL10.ZIP 300,349 12-02-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL11.ZIP 243,488 12-02-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL12.ZIP 290,928 04-10-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL13.ZIP 283,225 04-12-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL14.ZIP 330,950 03-25-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL15.ZIP 289,130 04-18-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL16.ZIP 291,756 04-10-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL17.ZIP 326,433 04-12-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTF_VL18.ZIP 260,878 04-15-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTI13.ZIP 251,104 04-28-92 True Type Font Installer v1.3 Allows preview
TTIGLOO.ZIP 25,571 05-12-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TTPOLO.ZIP 26,168 05-12-92 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TT_PRKAV.ZIP 46,592 12-02-91 Windows 3.1 True Type Fonts
TYPEVW10.ZIP 7,870 08-15-91 Type View 1.0 for Windows Font previewer.
UPRWES.ZIP 55,125 05-13-91 Upper West Side ATM Font
VFONT436.ZIP 9,617 06-01-91 Changes Font in DOS, VGA only
VGAPRIN.ZIP 53,244 02-19-91 Utility to send VGA fonts to printer.
WEDGIE.ZIP 23,137 06-03-91 WIN3 ATM1 font Wedgie
WINBDF.ZIP 26,234 09-12-91 Convert/View X11R4 (X/Windows)
WINPSX.ZIP 34,538 09-25-91 Postscript font downloader for Windows.
WOAFON12.ZIP 32,090 01-07-92 Large fonts for Windows' DOS Windows in SVGA.
WPFMFIX.ZIP 31,587 09-11-91 Windows PFM fixer/modifier for type-1 fonts
ZALESCAP.ZIP 13,806 06-12-91 Adobe font for Windows 3.